Referral Template for Practitioners

Download PGV Referral Template

How to download and use the referral template

Downloading from this site

  1. Right click on link and select Save Target As…
  2. Select a location on hard drive (which you can find later, such as the desktop) and save

Medical Director – import instructions

  1. Open Medical Director and then LetterWriter
  2. File menu > Select Modify Template > Select Blank template
  3. File > Select Import – locate downloaded file and click on Open
  4. File > Select Save as template – type in appropriate name and click on Save
  5. For complete MD download instructions click here

Best Practice – import instructions

  1. Open a New Letter and from Templates menu select Import templates
  2. Locate downloaded file and open
  3. From File menu select Save as. Type in an appropriate Template name and click on Save

ZedMed – import instructions

  1. Click on Tools > Clinical WP Setup > WP Templates
  2. File > Import Template
  3. Find the file where you saved it and highlight it and then click Open
  4. Enter the template name into the Description field. Click on OK
  5. More Zedmed templates click here.

GP Complete – import instructions

  1. Open GPComplete and then Resources Menu > Letter Writer
  2. File menu > Select Modify Template > Select Blank template
  3. File > Select Import – locate downloaded file and click on Open
  4. File > Select Save as template – type in appropriate name and click on Save